Andrew Dai (@bunsenmcdubbs) is a 🧙 senior 💪 software engineer 🧑‍💻 with a great personality.

I am not currently looking for a new job but you can check out resume and offer me a sick job anyway. See some of my open source contributions on github.

🆘 Andrew helps you out for a reasonable fee 🤝

Among other things, I'm a well-regarded cloud and database-knower. I'm prepared to solve database (performance) issues, bootstrap or rework your cloud services, and craft backend services and data infrastructure-y components.

If you or your team could use help in any of these areas, please reach out to me! I can help you out for a reasonable fee and I'm sure we can work something out.

📧 Emailing a@[this domain] is a great way to get in touch.